Bed: 1Bath: 1m²: 55
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CASAESTATE va prezinta acest apartament de 2 camere dar si alte tipuri de apartamente de vanzare locate intr-un complex nou la diferite etaje, suprafete dar si blocuri.
Pozitionat intr-o zona superba, pe malul lacului Straulesti, proiectul beneficiaza de 10.000 mp de teren, dintre care mai bine de jumatate dintre acesta este destinat spatiilor verzi, aleilor pietonale si zonei de agrement.
Preturile sunt exprimate in EURO si NU contin TVA.
Apartamentele se livreaza „la alb”, oferindu-va astfel posibilitatea personalizarii acestuia in functie de preferintele si nevoile dumneavoastra.
Pretul nu contine placarile pardoselilor (parchet, ceramica etc.), usile
interioare si obiectele sanitare (vas wc, lavoar, dus).
Instalatiile electrice sunt complete, fara corpuri de iluminat.
Instalatiile termice contin incalzirea in pardoseala TECEfloor de calitate germană si centrala termica de apartament IMMERGAS clasa energetica A.
Ca si dotari ale blocurilor avem lift Schindler si tâmplărie VEKA.
Exista si parcare dar se achizitioneaza contra cost.
Toate locurile de parcare pentru rezidenti se regasesc la demisolul complexului.
Va punem la dispozitie 82 de locuri de parcare, securizate prin intrare cu telecomanda.
Pentru ca dispunem de mai multe locuri de parcare decat totalul apartamentelor, proprietarii care doresc achizitionarea a doua locuri de parcare beneficiaza de aceasta optiune.
In functie de momentul la care doriti sa cumparati apartamentul, si de avansul de care dispuneti cand v-ati hotarat ce apartament doriti, se pot incheia trei tipuri de contracte:
– contractul de rezervare – acesta se incheie sub semnatura privata si consta in achitarea unui avans stabilit impreuna cu dezvoltatorul. Suma achitata se va deduce din pretul apartamentului, iar contractul de rezervare este valabil pentru o perioada limitata de timp.
– promisiunea de vanzare cumparare – acesta este antecontractul ce atesta ca in viitor, la o data stabilita de parti, se va incheia contractul de vanzare cumparare conform conditiilor stabilite de acestea.
– contractul de vanzare cumparare – contractul se incheie dupa ce este efectuata receptia imobilului si s-au emis documentele necesare, precum cadastru, extras de carte funciara, certificat energetic.
Enumerarea de mai sus are caracter explicativ si nu reprezinta o ordine obligatorie a procedurii de achizitie.
Oricine poate incheia direct Promisiune sau chiar Contract de Vanzare Cumparare daca este emisa documentatia necesara la momentul respectiv.
Pentru mai multe detalii sau vizionari ne puteti contacta oricand la numarul de telefon 0768 735 557.
CASAESTATE presents this 2-room apartment as well as other types of apartments for sale located in a new complex on different floors, surfaces and blocks.
Positioned in a superb area, on the shores of Lake Straulesti, the project benefits from 10,000 square meters of land, more than half of which is intended for green spaces, pedestrian walkways and the leisure area.
Prices are expressed in EURO and do NOT include VAT.
The apartments are delivered “in white”, thus offering you the possibility of customizing it according to your preferences and needs.
The price does not include floor coverings (parquet, ceramics, etc.), doors
interiors and sanitary items (toilet, sink, shower).
The electrical installations are complete, without lighting fixtures.
The thermal installations include TECEfloor underfloor heating of German quality and the IMMERGAS apartment heating plant, energy class A.
As endowments of the blocks, we have a Schindler elevator and VEKA carpentry.
There is also parking, but it is purchased for a fee.
All parking spaces for residents can be found at the residence of the complex.
We offer you 82 parking spaces, secured by remote control entrance.
Because we have more parking spaces than the total number of apartments, owners who wish to purchase two parking spaces benefit from this option.
Depending on when you want to buy the apartment, and the advance you have when you have decided which apartment you want, three types of contracts can be concluded:
– the reservation contract – it is concluded under a private signature and consists in the payment of an advance established together with the developer. The amount paid will be deducted from the price of the apartment, and the reservation contract is valid for a limited period of time.
– the promise of sale and purchase – this is the pre-contract that certifies that in the future, on a date set by the parties, the sale and purchase contract will be concluded according to the conditions established by them.
– the sale purchase contract – the contract is concluded after the reception of the building is carried out and the necessary documents have been issued, such as the cadastre, extract from the land register, energy certificate.
The above list is explanatory and does not represent a mandatory order of the purchase procedure.
Anyone can directly conclude a Promise or even a Sales Purchase Agreement if the necessary documentation is issued at the time.
For more details or viewings, you can contact us at any time on the phone number 0768 735 557.
Updated on October 28, 2022 at 12:28 pm
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